Using Self-Hypnosis to Make the Changes You Desire!

All of us, at some time or another, have wished we could change some aspect of ourselves; maybe get rid of an annoying habit, reduce our own anxiety in situations where it seems to crop up, sleep better, improve our performance in some area of our life, get rid of a fear of something, improve self-confidence, and on and on.
Have you ever considered self-hypnosis to make these changes? Self-hypnosis can be used to improve just about any area you want to in your life. For some people self-hypnosis is extremely easy and requires very little effort. For others, a bit more practice is required. It all starts with proper instruction, and the ability to relax yourself.
There are a variety of techniques for conducting self-hypnosis, and they all have some aspects in common. First total relaxation is necessary, which usually requires reducing distractions. So it is very important to try and find a quiet place that limits or completely obliterates outside sources and choose a time when you are certain you won’t be interrupted. Some people use noise-cancelling headphones to block out most external sounds. I personally like doing this! Ensure that if you have people nearby, you tell them to not disturb you for however long you want, except in the case of an emergency.
The time of day you conduct self-hypnosis may have a bearing on how successful it is for you. Early morning may not be the best time for some because you may find you’re extremely alert and hyper-sensitive to distractions at that time. For others, morning works absolutely best because they have no chance of falling asleep during the self-hypnosis, and they have a better ability to concentrate. For others, a time of day when they are slowing down or typically starting to feel fatigued is a time when their mind wanders less. In their case, the evening time may be a better time for self-hypnosis.
Some great advice for beginners is “try not to try too hard.” Self-hypnosis requires concentration, but being overly focused on being hypnotized will impair the process. Part of the self-hypnosis process is being able to just let go and let it happen to you. This is where working with an experienced hypnotherapist or hypnotist helps immeasurably! If you have been in a hypnotic trance and have experienced what that feels like, it helps you to reduce the anxiety you will naturally feel when you are trying to “get there” yourself. As a hypnotherapist, I never try to do therapy work with clients on the first visit, as I find they are so concerned with how they “should” feel or what they should expect that it gets in the way of their ability to relax. For that reason, if you attend a self-hypnosis class and are induced into hypnosis by the instructor, it helps greatly in knowing what to expect.
Self-hypnosis can involve a bit of trial and error at the beginning until you start to identify the conditions that best suit you as an individual. Variables such as the ideal body position, or the most opportune time of day are truly yours to determine based on your particular situation, schedule, and individuality. It’s important to remember that there are no fixed rules that apply to everyone. Everyone is unique and it is up to the individual to discover what works best for each person.
Using a recording is often great for self-hypnosis. A key element in getting the most out of a recorded self-hypnosis session is regular listening. Repetition is the key to successful suggestion and the more you subject your mind to the message, the more it will change undesirable thought patterns and instill new ones.
Like anything else, you will only get out of self-hypnosis what you’re willing to put into it. If you’re determined to find ways to fight hypnosis and disprove its effectiveness, you most assuredly will not benefit from it. However, if you go into it with an open mind and you’re willing to invest the time to find your ideal hypnosis conditions, you can literally reap of benefits of self-hypnosis on a regular basis, and make amazing changes in your own life!
I will be conducting a 3-hour Self-Hypnosis class at the Salem Center 50+ on Thursday, January 29th, 2015 from 9:00 am to Noon. For more information or to sign up, please contact the Center 50+ at (503) 588-6303, or stop by in person at 2615 Portland Rd NE, Salem, OR 97301.
For more information about hypnotherapy and hypnosis, or to make an appointment to see me in my office in Salem, Oregon, please visit my website at
November 6, 2014I’ll be attending in January then. I’ve seen a few of the powerful benefits of hypnosis in my life and would love to learn more. Do you think when one does self-hypnosis that one goes as “deep” as when with a therapist? I never feel like I do.
Barbara recently posted…Don’t wait for your Oscar
Skip Albright
November 9, 2014Thanks for commenting Barbara! To answer your question, it all depends upon how practiced the self-hypnosis practitioner is – in other words, the more you practice, the better you get. When you get to the point that you can not only see, but FEEL the change, then you are affecting your subconscious, where all change takes place. Otherwise, you are simply just talking to yourself, to your conscious mind. As you know, this is very much the same with meditation. I look forward to you attending my Self-Hypnosis Course at the Salem Center 50+ on January 29th. You will learn everything you need to know, and gain confidence through practice, so that self-hypnosis is effective for you! Thanks for your great question!
Nora Wallace
March 22, 2015bookmarked, terrific web site!
Nora Wallace recently posted…Nora Wallace
Skip Albright
April 6, 2015Thanks so much Nora! Glad to have you stopping by!
Kyle Winters
April 12, 2017I do like that you point out how different times of day might work better for certain people. After all, it is not called “self” hypnosis for nothing. A lot of the hypnosis process will vary from person to person. Some people might find it easier in the morning, some people might need a CD, and some people might need to sit in a completely empty room!