The Simplicity Solution

The essence of life is to be simple. Yet, we do our best to complicate it. We devise new systems, develop new technologies, create new relationships, both personally and professionally, establish new forms of communication, we mufti-task – all supposedly in the name of making our lives simpler. But in the end, we find that all we’ve really done is make our lives faster, not simpler. And faster usually means more complicated, and often more stressful. At their best, when people are fully up-to-speed with these “improvements” we keep making, they can certainly make for increased efficiency. But what often happens is we end up complicating our lives, and making them more stressful.
Think about the speed and depth we can achieve in doing research via the internet vs. the way we used to do it – going to the library and looking up what we need in books. But what if you are not computer savvy? Or what if you are somewhat computer savvy but simply cannot afford to buy the kind of system required to take advantage of the most efficient programs or software, or you get overwhelmed when your hardware has a glitch? Then the very thing that was supposed to make life simpler just made it more complicated – and stressful.
Children are a great example of how simplicity is enough, but we teach them to be complicated – that simple is not enough (electronics, toys, games, etc.). I recently went with my Dad to his boyhood home back in the 30’s and 40’s. As we passed one place where he and his siblings played as kids, he said “we used to roll a tire from our house to this place all the time. Boy that was fun!” I thought to myself ‘can you even imagine trying to entertain a child these days by having them roll a tire in front of them. They would probably look at you like you are crazy. How dare you pull them from their PlayStations or X Boxes!
Medicine has also become so complicated, but medical problems come about in large part because of the way we have complicated our lives – stress, food, technology, transportation, etc. If we returned to simplicity, or at least reduced the amount of stress-producing events in our lives, we would be so much healthier. Auto-immune diseases have become prevalent because of the way we have complicated our lives. Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Pain, etc. arguably all have psychological origins, and often as a result of stress.
Hypnotherapy is a simple, natural solution to reduce the stress we feel from our complicated lives. Everyone knows stress kills, but we are only now realizing just how bad an effect stress has on us. I have worked with so many people whose root problems involved stress, and once we were able to have them handle stress better, the other issues resolved themselves.
If you or someone you love in Salem, Oregon suffers from stress, consider uncomplicating your life with Skipnotherapy! Call today for a free consultation or to discuss how hypnotherapy can help you!
January 26, 2015This is so true. Our minds are complex, even miraculous, in their power, and we overlook them as a natural way to heal.
Barbara recently posted…Let me hear your body talk
Skip Albright
February 3, 2015Our minds are often the MOST powerful ally we have in healing. But then you already knew that, Barbara!