Sleepless in Salem

Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan sure could have used hypnotherapy when their characters in Sleepless in Seattle could not sleep and stayed up all hours!! Are you a person who is plagued by poor sleep? If so, you know how maddening it can be, and what a wide-ranging effect it has on your life. Safety experts warn that a tired driver is as dangerous as a drunk driver. Many workplace accidents occur as the result of someone being tired and not paying attention. But aside from the obvious physical danger being tired can lead to, the effect it has on the quality of our lives in terms of our mood, relationships, physical performance, and stress is significant.
Stress, the topic of an upcoming post here on the Skipnotherapy blog, has a deleterious effect on our lives. It has such a profound physical impact, that it actually causes illness, both physical and mental. It prevents and slows the body’s ability to heal. It makes us crabby, unhappy, and downright miserable. What can otherwise be a speed bump of a problem seems like a hill or a mountain when we are under stress. It is just “one more thing” we have to contend with.
Hypnotherapy is wonderful for improving sleep. I have alluded to the fact that in working with clients who have serious medical problems, one of their biggest complaints, and the reason they came to see me in the first place, was because they either could not sleep, or could not stay asleep. What they didn’t know was how great an impact hypnotherapy was going to have in not only helping them sleep significantly better almost immediately, but in reducing stress, in their outlook about their lives in general, and in the way they could handle, and sometimes improve their medical condition specifically.
A well-rested person is so better able to handle stress. And doctors now tout the benefit of good sleep in preventing weight gain. Did you know poor sleep is directly related to excess weight? It is true. An article by Dr. Joseph Mercola highlights the link between lack of sleep with not only weight loss, but with cancer as well. You can see his article by clicking here.
For more information, please visit My office is conveniently located in downtown Salem, Oregon, so please call me to set up a visit or for a free consultation to see how hypnotherapy can help you!
Joan Riley
July 7, 2014I wonder how many other movie characters caused problems because of a lack of sleep? I know I do not make the best decisions when I am tired. I am glad that you offer a solution – SKipnotherapy!
Skip Albright
July 7, 2014I know Joni! While sleepy characters sometimes make for great movies, they sure don’t make for happy real-life people! I suppose the actors wouldn’t be interested in hypnotherapy (or their character might be boring!) be thankfully some people get how helpful hypnotherapy can be!
Dick Manhire
July 7, 2014My situation is a little different and doesn’t exactly fit the guidelines for sleep disorders. But there are some sleep issues that probably do relate to my PD..
I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease about two years ago. My symptoms are my right hand will shake, particularly at a 90 degree angle (as when holding cards or a cup of coffee), my voice has become very soft, and speech stuttering is a problem making communication difficult. When sleeping my hand does not shake, but if I’m awakened my hand may shake.
I have had four sessions with Skip so far, which he’s recorded and emailed to me. I find it very helpful to re-listen to these sessions. It’s very interesting to me that while I’m in either a live session with Skip or listening to the session on my pc, my hand hardly shakes. The suggestion he gave me under deep relaxation was that whenever I feel shaking my sub-conscious will intervene and relax my hand and the shaking will diminish or go away, and this seems to be exactly what happens–kind of amazing..
I have an idea that most Americans, myself included, do not know how to relax to the extent that our bodies are allowed to support real healing.
Skip Albright
July 7, 2014The subconscious mind is amazing Dick, you are right! I enjoy working with you so much and look forward to more progress together!
July 10, 2014Hypnotherapy sounds so much nicer than the sleep aid pills I take
Skip Albright
July 12, 2014Absolutely! I have worked with people dying from cancer who obviously have trouble sleeping, even with medication, and after the first session they report being able to sleep the whole night!