Keep Your Spirits Up!

Well, the Holiday Season is upon us. This time of year puts many people in a great, festive mood. They love all the decorations, the holiday music, the tasty food, extra sweets and baked goods, and the prospect of gatherings of family and friends. If you are one of these people, count yourself lucky.
Many other people, and I mean MANY, dread this season. As a former law enforcement professional, I can tell you first hand the holidays always meant increases in domestic disturbances, assaults, thefts, and emergency room victims.
The fact of the matter is, while some folks are reminded of the joy of life, others are reminded of just the opposite; of the fact they are all alone, or that nobody will be coming to see them or give them a gift; that their financial situation prevents them from being able to give in the way they would like to others; that they still have not found a job to replace the one from which they were laid off; that everyone else is in a good mood, while they are not even close.
It is easy to tell people that their mood is “a choice.” They can choose to be happy, or they can choose to be sad. But that is not accurate in many cases. For some people, their mood, especially around the holidays, is based in deep-seeded programming that has resulted from events, recent or past, and that programming, deep in their sub-conscious mind, is unshakable without help from someone else. As a hypnotherapist at Skipnotherapy in Salem, Oregon, I deal with clients who are depressed on an almost daily basis. They often do not know the actual causes(es) of their depression or mood, they just know it affects almost every other aspect of their life. And often, the only really effective way to change that programming is through therapy, often through age-regression, that is, using techniques to uncover and reframe (change) the events responsible for their current state of mind. The results are often unbelievable and life-changing!
If you or someone you know is struggling this holiday season and wants help, consider hypnotherapy at Skipnotherapy. Visit my website at, or call me at (480) 253-8528 for more information about how hypnotherapy can help make life-improving changes.
1 Comment
December 8, 2015Thank you for this reminder. It helps for all of us to be mindful of those around us who may be alone or struggling and to be inclusive. Little gestures probably go a long way.
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