Hypnosis – Want Evidence It Works?

To me, as a hypnotherapist in Salem, Oregon, it seems as if the acceptance of hypnosis is about where chiropractic was in the 1950s, or acupuncture in the 1960s – people just are not on board with it as a legitimate modality to help people with chronic pain, lose weight, eradicate fears, improve performance of all kinds, etc.
I thought in this post I would cite some examples of success stories where people made great changes as a result of hypnosis.
This November 2011 article in Shape magazine chronicles the weight loss success of a woman through hypnosis:
Here is an article that appeared in the Huffington Post in July 2014 which touts the benefits of hypnosis for a variety of problems to include quelling hot flashes, easing pain, managing the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, improving sleep, and calming nerves.
Here is an article online at Web MD that discusses the benefits and effectiveness of hypnosis in helping people stop smoking.
How about hypnosis for becoming a successful performer? This article discusses Kanye West’s use of self-hypnosis to make him become a huge success.
Here is the link to an article by the University of Maryland Medical Center that discusses how and why hypnosis works, and includes a list of nineteen problems hypnosis is effective in treating. (In a recent blog post, I listed hundreds of areas in which hypnosis is effective, which includes those in the U of M article.)
If this is not enough for you, just Google “evidence hypnosis works” and you will have many hours of fodder to pore through. Also, check out the testimonials on my site www.skipnotherapy.com where people with whom I have worked have written about their experience with hypnotherapy.
October 17, 2014I think, even though hypnotherapy has been around for so long, you are on the cutting edge of therapy and holistic modality. Any method of healing that keeps us from narcotics and prescription drugs, and empowers us – is wonderful.
Barbara recently posted…Columbus Day Discovery
Skip Albright
October 18, 2014Thanks Barbara! I appreciate the vote of confidence. Even though hypnotherapy has been around so long, as you say, we are constantly finding out just how powerful it can be in transforming and improving a life – and all completely naturally!