Hypnosis for Students in Salem

The new school year is rapidly approaching, much to the dismay of many students and to the delight of many parents! For some students, the thought of a new school year leads to feelings of stress, fear and intimidation. While all students feel a little anxious at the prospect of meeting new teachers and classmates, they normalize those feelings and get into the groove pretty quickly. But sometimes those feelings lead to success-inhibiting behaviors, and have a significantly negative impact on a student’s ability to learn, take tests, and even interfere with their relationships with other students.
Hypnotherapy works absolute wonders on these kinds of problems. Young people are highly receptive to hypnosis and subconscious messages (which are why they absorb negative messages to an extreme very quickly) and can be helped in a big way very quickly. Any experienced hypnotherapist can recite cases where they have worked with students and turned around their academic performance, confidence, test-taking results, and overall outlook about school.
It almost boggles the mind that if this kind of help is available it is not sought more often. The reason is usually due to the fact parents simply do not know about hypnotherapy. Like most Americans, their experience with hypnosis is watching a stage act at a county fair, or some far-fetched story on TV or in the movies which presents a totally false image of what hypnosis is really about.
Hypnosis is a completely natural process, and every-single one of us experiences hypnosis every day. It is simply an “altered state of consciousness,” meaning that while you are attending to one activity, you are actually thinking of something else. All of us have had the experience of driving down the road and getting to our destination, and realizing we do not even remember some of the trip. Or reading a book and getting to the bottom of the page and realizing we remember nothing of what we just read because we were thinking of something else. Our conscious mind distracted us with some thought, while our subconscious mind attended to a whole other activity.
If you are the parent of a student who is unduly stressed about starting back to school, do your child a favor and consider the use of hypnotherapy to help them. They will enjoy the process, feel so much better about all the things with which they were worried, and your own stress level will be reduced knowing that your son or daughter is having a way better experience than they otherwise would have!
For more information about hypnosis, please visit my website at www.skipnotherapy.com. I also offer a free in-person or telephonic consultation in Salem, Oregon so you can learn more about how hypnotherapy can benefit you or someone you love!