Hypnosis for Improved Sports Performance

Tell me if this sounds familiar; you are having a really good round of golf – one of your best in a while. On the tee box all you need to do is hit a straight drive, and go up and down in 2 shots to get your par three and win your match. You go through your mental checklist addressing the ball, and swing away. You slice it far right, into a stand of trees, right where you did NOT want to go. Now your game is all in your head, and you double bogey to lose to your buddy by one stroke.
What happened? That was a routine drive for you, yet you still sliced it hard. Did you forget how to swing a club? No! Did you want to hit into the trees? Of course not. Did you choke? Probably! Golfers famously practice the physical aspects of their game hour-after-hour, day-after-day, week-after-week. Even amateur golfers devote considerable practice time to their games, but how about to their mental game? Probably not.
It might surprise you to learn that many, many of the top golfers, tennis players, baseball players, and athletes in all kinds of sports turn to hypnosis to achieve their best mental game. Just Google it, and you’ll find out that for decades, top pro athletes have been using hypnosis to help them “get into the zone” during their performances. Why? Because they realize the difference it makes in their performance. It helps reduce their stress, improve their concentration and get them into the zone in a way rarely possible without it.
In a 2012 article by the world famous Cleveland Clinic’s Bone Muscle and Joint Team entitled “Improving Sports Performance Through Hypnosis, they claim “All athletes open to the idea of reducing stress and honing concentration can benefit from hypnotherapy.” They go on to say “Today, most professional sports teams employ a sports psychologist to help give athletes the mental concentration they need to succeed. In studying the best athletes and sports stars, it becomes apparent that the common edge they all have in achieving “being in the zone” does indeed begin mentally.” Not a bad endorsement for the power of hypnotherapy. You can read the article in its entirety here.
I have personally worked with athletes to help them improve their sports performance, and to a man and woman, they all claimed to have realized improvements in their particular games!
I invite you to see just how powerful being able to tap into the full potential of your subconscious mind can be at Skipnotherapy in Salem, Oregon. Contact Skip Albright today for a free consultation or to set up an appointment at www.skipnotherapy.com.