Hypnosis for Hot Flashes

The bane of many women as they enter and pass menopause is the onset of hot flashes. As a male, I cannot possibly completely understand how maddening this can be, but as a hypnotherapist, I absolutely understand it is real, and it can often be alleviated or eliminated through hypnotherapy. I invite you to check out this article entitled “Hot Flashes Halted With Hypnosis” in Natural News. If you want to read more research on the topic, just Google it and you will see many articles touting the benefits of hypnosis for hot flashes. I have personally used hypnotherapy for hot flashes successfully, and can verify the effectiveness of it. It may seem like a simple thing to someone who does not have them, but it can be so life-improving for those who do! Want to know more about this or the many issues for which hypnotherapy can be so effective? Contact me at Skipnotherapy’s Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis Services website, www.skipnotherapy.com