Thoughts Are Energy

You don’t have to be Sheldon Cooper (of The Big Bang Theory!) to know that all things in this universe are made up of energy – even thoughts! If you carry around negative thoughts, the negative energy that accompanies those thoughts can result in harmful or undesirable consequences, to include pain, disease, stress, and poor […]
Fear Nothing!

Howard Hughes, famous American aviator and industrialist, was also a famous agoraphobic – that is, he had a fear of open or public places . But so too are Johnny Depp, Kim Basinger, Woody Allen, Barbra Streisand, and many, many more. Even Sigmund Freud was agoraphobic! And did you know that Agoraphobia is a subset […]
What’s Stressing You?

Stress is one of the most harmful manifestations on our body and mind. According to the Mayo Clinic, stress has the following effects on us: On our bodies: Headache Muscle tension or pain Chest pain Fatigue Change in sex drive Stomach upset Sleep problem On our mood: Anxiety Restlessness Lack of motivation or […]
Sleepless in Salem

Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan sure could have used hypnotherapy when their characters in Sleepless in Seattle could not sleep and stayed up all hours!! Are you a person who is plagued by poor sleep? If so, you know how maddening it can be, and what a wide-ranging effect it has on your life. Safety experts […]
Control Pain With Hypnotherapy

Pain causes stress – Stress causes pain – Pain causes stress … And so the cycle continues. Did you realize that a significant amount of chronic pain has an emotional origin? It is absolutely true. Pain is the body’s “smoke alarm” to let us know that we have been injured, but sometimes the alarm continues […]
Hypnosis and PTSD

Hypnotherapy, the use of hypnosis in therapy, has been found to be very effective for use in the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Often, people suffering from PTSD undergo years of traditional psychotherapy, coupled with medication, and often have minimal successful results. Hypnotherapy has been proven to often provide a quick and very […]
Using Hypnotherapy to Reduce the Adverse Effects of Cancer

There is little in this life as scary and stressful as a diagnosis of cancer. But what if there was a way to reduce that stress, help manage the pain, and arguably, help the patient self-heal? Hypnotherapy is that way! The Stanford Medicine Cancer Institute states that “reports provide strong evidence that hypnosis can reduce […]
I Wish I Could Quit Smoking
I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard this over the years. If you are a smoker, and if you have said this and you really mean it, I have GREAT news for you! Hypnotherapy is marvelous in helping smokers quit their habit – for good! It is cost effective, usually only requiring 1 […]
Stop the Pain (with Hypnotherapy!)
Statistically speaking, there is a very good chance you have chronic pain, had chronic pain in the past, or will have chronic pain in the future. There is a higher chance you know someone who experiences chronic pain SOMEWHERE in their body. If you are one of those people, have you been treated for that […]
Hypnotherapy – A Cure for Chronic Pain
I recently worked with a woman who complained of severe shoulder pain. She had suffered this pain for four years, and it was so severe she could not sleep on either side – only on her back. She described the pain as sometimes being as bad as an 8 or 9 on a scale […]