The Power of a Single Comment

Have you seen the story of Brian Flemming, the man in Michigan who weighed 600+ pounds and lost 380 pounds? He had almost a lifetime of being overweight and eating very unhealthily, never exercising, drinking a fifth of vodka a day, and sitting around pitying and loathing himself and his life. In the Spring of […]
Hypnosis for Hot Flashes

The bane of many women as they enter and pass menopause is the onset of hot flashes. As a male, I cannot possibly completely understand how maddening this can be, but as a hypnotherapist, I absolutely understand it is real, and it can often be alleviated or eliminated through hypnotherapy. I invite you to check […]
Free Hypnosis Induction MP3

I am giving away a free Hypnosis Induction MP3 to anyone who requests it below. This induction, which I recorded, is great for anyone who wants to think, feel and act more positively. I you feel stuck, depressed, stressed, or simply want to feel more motivated, get this 21 minute audio download, sit back, and […]
Why We Are Who We Are

When I blog at, I don’t often link to other websites, especially with my own wife’s blog (the appearance of nepotism and all that!), but today is different. Barb (my wife) an author and active blogger at posted about an article which appeared in Esquire magazine this month. The article asked fifty “extraordinary […]
Hypnosis – Want Evidence It Works?

To me, as a hypnotherapist in Salem, Oregon, it seems as if the acceptance of hypnosis is about where chiropractic was in the 1950s, or acupuncture in the 1960s – people just are not on board with it as a legitimate modality to help people with chronic pain, lose weight, eradicate fears, improve performance of […]
Hypnotherapy vs. Hypnoshow

For many people, their only exposure to hypnosis has been attending a hypnosis show. Invariably, they think that the participants in the show MUST have been friends of the hypnotist, because it seems impossible that they could have acted so ridiculously on stage by simply being hypnotized in just a few minutes. This week I […]
Hypnosis – What Is It Good For?

Ask a room full of people what hypnosis is used for, and the majority of them will say one of two things: to quit smoking, or to lose weight. They would be right in either case. The problem is, as a hypnotherapist, I know that hypnosis is a great form of therapy for literally hundreds […]
Speak Confidently

Depending upon the source of the information, research indicates the fear of public speaking ranks number one in the minds of the majority of people. Far above the fear of death and disease, comes the fear of standing in front of a crowd. Believe it or not (and most of you probably believe it!) 74% […]
Stress = Depression = Suicide

Everyone was shocked by the news of Robin Williams’ suicide. What would make a guy who seemingly had everything a person could want do something so tragic? He had money, fame, a loving family, loads of friends – everything! And yet, to him, his life was so horrible he couldn’t bear to live it any […]
Hypnosis for Students in Salem

The new school year is rapidly approaching, much to the dismay of many students and to the delight of many parents! For some students, the thought of a new school year leads to feelings of stress, fear and intimidation. While all students feel a little anxious at the prospect of meeting new teachers and classmates, […]