The Cost of Hypnotherapy

As a hypnotherapist in Salem, Oregon, I get clients who want to work on making life-improving changes for a variety of issues. Some of those include losing weight, quitting smoking, reducing or eliminating chronic pain, improving self-esteem. etc. To be sure, hypnotherapy is very effective for all of those issues, but also for many other […]
Re-Rethinking Positive Thinking
Last week, USA Today ran an article entitled Positive thinking? It’s not enough to reach your goals. The writer of the article, Kim Painter, quotes a book written by author Gabriele Oettingen entitled Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation. In it, Painter says Oettingen’s book “outlines a strategy for achieving health, personal […]
Wanting vs. Getting

Why does anticipating something make us happier than the actual event/thing? How can we maintain this happiness? Do we just continue to want things, and when we get them, want other things? Is there a way to satisfy our want? The first thing that occurs to me when I come upon someone who is always […]
The Simplicity Solution

The essence of life is to be simple. Yet, we do our best to complicate it. We devise new systems, develop new technologies, create new relationships, both personally and professionally, establish new forms of communication, we mufti-task – all supposedly in the name of making our lives simpler. But in the end, we find that […]
Loathing Yourself to Death

Do you loathe yourself? Do you loathe aspects of yourself? Are you disgusted when you look in the mirror? Do you hate who you are, what you do, how you act, or even your whole life? When you read any of the questions above, did you feel, and I mean really FEEL, bad or worthless […]
Middle-Aged Women and Depression

I came across an article which appeared on entitled “Middle-Age Women Have Highest Rate of Depression.” It caught my attention because I work with many clients in my hypnotherapy practice who are depressed. Their reasons vary, but depression, like its close cousin ‘stress,’ leads to physical, psychological and emotional issues, and those issues often […]
Low Self-Esteem Revealed

In another great article by Anneli Rufus in the on-line Spirituality & Health page, she discusses 10 signs of low self-esteem. As a Certified Hypnotherapist at Skipnotherapy in Salem, Oregon, most of the clients I see have significantly low self-esteem – almost always with origins in childhood as the result of verbal, physical, emotional, or […]

As a Salem, Oregon-based Hypnotherapist, I often see reminders, opportunities and situations where it is obvious to me that hypnotherapy would help the person. I recently read an on-line article from Spirituality and Health magazine that could not have been a better example of that! In the article by Anneli Rufus entitled The Uncertainty Curse, […]
Using Self-Hypnosis to Make the Changes You Desire!

All of us, at some time or another, have wished we could change some aspect of ourselves; maybe get rid of an annoying habit, reduce our own anxiety in situations where it seems to crop up, sleep better, improve our performance in some area of our life, get rid of a fear of something, improve […]
Life Coaching Through Hypnotherapy

Life Coaching Through Hypnotherapy Do you sometimes wish you had someone you could check in with once in a while to help you: – Verify the big decision you are making is the right one? – To help you get re-motivated in your career or personal life when you seem to have stalled? – To […]