Emotional Trauma and Obesity

In my hypnotherapy practice at Skipnotherapy I see many, many people hoping to lose weight. Many (actually most) of them have tried for years, often since childhood, to be successful in losing and keeping off weight. Some of them have lost significant amounts of weight, often over 100 pounds or more, but eventually it crept […]
A Client’s Pain Vanishes

I have never used a client testimonial as the subject of a blog post before, but I am making an exception here. The following is pretty self-explanatory, and is unedited by me. I think this may help some readers to consider the source of their pain, physical or emotional, in a different light. I know […]
Keep Your Spirits Up!

Well, the Holiday Season is upon us. This time of year puts many people in a great, festive mood. They love all the decorations, the holiday music, the tasty food, extra sweets and baked goods, and the prospect of gatherings of family and friends. If you are one of these people, count yourself lucky. Many […]
Pain Relief the Natural Way

In September 2015 I had the privilege to lecture on and demonstrate a pain relief technique to one of the tri-annual Oregon Hypnotherapy Association meetings. I lectured on a technique described in a book by British Hypnotherapist John Howard called “The Simple Secrets of the Power to Heal.” After a Power Point slide show, I […]
Which Emotions Are Causing Your Stress?

One of the things we understand about the subconscious mind is that it converts all of its inputs into images. It does not operate in words like the conscious mind does. Because it has perfect memory, whenever an experience occurs that the subconscious mind determines is similar to a previous experience, the subconscious mind provides […]
Breathing Correctly!

Before every hypnotic induction I do with clients at Skipnotherapy in Salem, Oregon, I invoke the client to begin the process of relaxation by taking some nice, deep diaphragmatic breaths. When it is the first session a client has ever done with me, I almost always have to give some instruction as to what that […]
Changing Careers?
Do you think you would be interested in changing careers or augmenting your current career? Have you ever considered becoming a Certified Hypnotherapist? I am often asked how I got involved in Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. It probably does not seem like a natural career path for a guy who spent his whole previous career in […]
Someone to Talk To

Maybe you didn’t hear, but this week the Chopra Center in Carlsbad, CA, was hosting a Global Meditation for Compassion. Chopra touted the event would be live-streamed to over half a million people in more than a hundred countries, and the intent was to shift the collective consciousness of the world toward compassion. A highly […]
Hypnosis for Improved Sports Performance

Tell me if this sounds familiar; you are having a really good round of golf – one of your best in a while. On the tee box all you need to do is hit a straight drive, and go up and down in 2 shots to get your par three and win your match. You […]
Our Genius Brains!

Have you ever heard of Daniel Tammett, dubbed “Brainman?” He is a 26 year old British citizen who happens also to be a Savant. In other words, he has abilities which far exceed that which would be considered “normal.” In Tammett’s case, his particular gifts include mathematical genius, language abilities and incredible memory recall. (You […]