A Client’s Pain Vanishes

I have never used a client testimonial as the subject of a blog post before, but I am making an exception here. The following is pretty self-explanatory, and is unedited by me. I think this may help some readers to consider the source of their pain, physical or emotional, in a different light. I know of NOTHING aside from hypnotherapy that could have been so effective, and in such a short time.
Dear Skip,
After experiencing pain in my lower right side, which I first suspected had come from my chiropractor’s last adjustment because it felt like my bottom ribs were out of alignment (maybe bruised) and after several days wherein it proceeded to get worse, with an impending trip out of state I was worried I’d have to cancel because with any bending over, reaching or twisting it was now acute, I scheduled a same day appointment with Skip to see if hypnotherapy could help with managing the pain. I was skeptical but desperate at that point and grateful he had an opening for me.
During my session, I was shocked, as my subconscious conjured up small white fairies who were pushing my ribs back into place and I knew or felt they needed to love and soothe that area for a little bit. With no disbelief or mocking what I was reporting, Skip allowed me the time needed for them to ease the pain, asking from time to time if they were finished. I cried when I came to the self-realization that it was me and the messages I had been sending my body, especially that area (my mid-section) of disdain and disgust. It was me?
Yes – it was me and the negative self-talk I’d been aiming at my stomach! I waited until I felt love and even appreciation for my body as it is, and was almost in disbelief when I stood after being hypnotized, that the pain was completely gone. This was a pain that had been getting more and more acute and bothersome every day for several days. I really wouldn’t have imagined it was self-inflicted had I not gone for hypnotherapy and listened to what my subconscious was telling me. I’m a firm believer now that the cells in our bodies hear every thought we think and while our thoughts can be powerful in positive ways, they can also be destructive to the point of manifesting physical pain and illness.
Thank you Skip! How wonderful to heal without drugs and to live in a more compassionate and consciously evolved way.
– Judith O.
Judith managed, in a very articulate way, to explain how very deep and personal thoughts about her body resulted in very real, physical pain. I appreciate her candor and kind words, but it was she who healed the pain – I simply helped guide her through the process, as do all competent hypnotherapists. Like so many people, Judith blamed her pain on something unrelated (her chiropractor visit) when it was really her subconscious mind that was the origin. We find that much unexplained pain, including Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Pain Syndrome, Reflex Sympathetic Disorder, and many other auto-immune or unexplained pains have psychological origins and can often be relieved or eliminated through the process of hypnosis.
If you or someone you care about is suffering from chronic pain, consider discussing the matter with me at Skipnotherapy to see if hypnotherapy could be effective. As always, feel free to call or email me through my website at www.skipnotherapy.com to find out more!